Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Recipe on Recipes Schmecipes

I have posted my recipe for Quattros Leches Cake on recipes schmecipes if anyone is interested.

1 comment:

Lora said...

OK-I'm Game-I'll try this tomorrow & take it to small group Wednesday. Thanks!

Saw your links-now for your counter. Google-Free Stats- You look on the left side and click sign me up. It will take you through a menu and you pick your poison. I just have the free site-which does not give you details, just # hits & unique hits in a day. For little cost you can get much more elaborate about where they are coming from etc. This also gives you counter on the page, I think. If it doesn't I will research where I got that. Once you have set all this up it will give you a script to cut and paste on your settings on your blog in a "Add a element" site. Hope this helps! If you want music let me know & I will walk you through that.