Friday, January 25, 2008

Cake For the Boys

A friend of ours is taking a cake decorating class with her daughter. She dropped this cake off last night while we were grubbing chow w/the Gov. When we came home our 3 year old was screaming....."I need cake" "I need sugar"..........Thanks Cathy, I appreciate it.


the Jennings secede from the South said...

That cake is impressive, sort of, i guess....

Lora said...

Could she already decorate or is this a 1st effort. Might be a new thing to try-although I AM NOT ARTISTICA!

My d-i-l gives me fits about giving the grands sugar. My teacher and nutritionist friends tell me there is nothing to the sugar deal. GOOD POST SUBJECT! What say ye?

I let my kids have sugar and they acted fine. Of course, they also played outside all of the time and ran off all of that energy. They also had the "Fear of Momma" working for them.

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Yes, the sugar thing is a crock....unless of course they are diabetic or have an allergy to it. Everything in moderation.

This was her 3rd cake class.