Monday, March 10, 2008

More To Come.............

I am carbo'ed out. Each ass cheek at this point has to look like a loaf of brioche. It sure feels like it after this weekend. I have a nasty case of brioche'assssssss.


Susan @ SGCC said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I'm sure it's not that bad!

Cakespy said...

I don't know, sounds kind Maybe you just knead someone to love it.

Ohhh that was bad, sorry.

Lora said...

Did you not cook yesterday? NO BLOG! I guess you just got busy and forgot. Bobby is on a diet-so I am living to hear what GOOD YOU ARE EATING!

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Cakespy......LOL good one

Lora....I have been cooking and have more bread pics to post but I am having transfer problems w/my pics and I have been too lazy to look for my back up cord. Tell Bobby a diet is never fun. I would exercise 5 hours a day before I diet.

Helene said...

Well, the treadmill is mine all week next week....I'll trade your brioche for chocolate mousse :)