Friday, May 16, 2008

Off to the Gulf

I am off to the Gulf of Mexico today.............I may or may not check in. Just and fyi so those of you that do read didn't think I bit the farm. Wish me Happy Seafood Eating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BBQ Chicken Pizza from the Big Green Egg with fresh Cilantro from my pots.


Susan @ SGCC said...

Have a great time! Stay away from the sharks! ;)

Lora said...

OH-I AM SO JEALOUS! ENJOY and beware the jelly fish.

k said...

oh, lucky you! Have a fabulous trip!!

Leah said...

Oh, that BBQ Chicken Pizza is my absolute favorite....especially with a very large sprinkle of cilantro!

Hope you're having a great time on your Gulf Getaway!! Wear your sunscreen!